Thursday, July 29, 2010

Receptiony Things

I like these colors, I like the way they're wrapped. I like the font of whatever's wrapping them up

I have no idea what they put in here. Not 100% sure what we'd put in here. But they're pretty awesome

Not sure I really want candy there (I'll probably just eat it all), but I think it's cool the way these are labeled

I really like this napkin (I want it for home). I really like the way the silverware is laid out and tied up. I love this look in general.

Obviously, we're not having a sit down reception so this won't really work out. It probably also won't work out for a rehearsal dinner since we're thinking bbq, but I like the way this looks.

I don't love this specific sack, but I really like the idea of having something besides just the plain keg sitting out. Cool idea to cover it in a cool burlap sack.

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